<aside> 💡 Vizualizaci můžete provést např. v grafech v Excelu, ale vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná o obrovské množství dat (senzory měří každých 5 minut) tak se nám pro jednoduchou vizualizaci a analýzu dat velmi osvědčila AI.


Stažené .csv z archivu (návod zde) si načtěte jako datový zdroj do excelu. Připravte soubor pro AI tím, že vymažete prázdné sloupce a řádky. Přejmenujte sloupce P1 a P2 na PM10 a PM2,5 - nebo tabulku jinak upravte aby byla pro vás i pro AI srozumitelnější. Tabulku uložte jako xlsx nebo csv, je to prakticky jedno. Jako v tomto příkladu:


Soubor pak stačí nahrát do AI a vložit tento prompt:

here is excel file with air quality data from 3/30/2024 0:00 till 4/1/2024 23:58.
The 3 columns are timestamp, PM10 and PM2,5. I want you to plot the PM10 and PM2,5
in a graph which spans for the given dates. The graph should be easy to read and
nicely formatted. For PM2,5 use blue and for PM10 use red color.


Let's start by examining the contents of the Excel file you uploaded to understand
how the data is structured. After that, I'll plot the graph for PM10 and PM2.5
concentrations over the specified date range, using blue for PM2.5 and red for PM10
as you requested. Let's take a look at the data first.
The Excel file is structured appropriately with columns for timestamps, PM10, and
PM2.5. Now, I'll proceed to plot the data. The graph will cover the specified dates
from March 30, 2024, to April 1, 2024, with PM2.5 in blue and PM10 in red. Let's
create a clear and well-formatted graph. 


Here is the graph displaying the PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations over time from March 30,
2024, to April 1, 2024. PM2.5 is shown in blue and PM10 in red. The graph is formatted
to be easy to read, with a clear legend, grid lines, and rotated time labels for better
clarity. If you need any further adjustments or additional analysis, just let me know! 

stejně se potom můžeme dotazovat prakticky na cokoliv co nás zajímá, např:

print me the maximum and minimum values of PM10 and write time when it happened.


The maximum value of PM10 is 148.15, which occurred on March 31, 2024, at 13:40:59.
The minimum value of PM10 is 0.3, which occurred on April 1, 2024, at 22:20:00.